The staff here at Merciful Redemption Church work hard to ensure that God's glory is shining through their ministries. They are dedicated, God fearing saints who are committed to excellence in the body of Christ, and wanting to see an amazing move of God's Holy Spirit.

Sister Kathy Dozier
is the Head Treasurer and a Children's Church Teacher.
Sister Deirdre Hamlin-Sebastian
is part of Haiti Hope Project, GMC, also assists the Head Treasurer
Sister Darien
is in charge of our outreach Ministry St. Vincent DePaul. She is also a Head Teacher for the Children's Church Ministry.
Naomi Garcia
creates the Power points and bulletins, operates the overhead during Sunday service, and she keeps track of child sponsorship in the Project Haiti database.
Sahara Hernandez is our church greeter/testimonies person. She also helps clean the church.
Christopher Smith
is head of the Hospitality Ministry. He mails the End Time Apostolos newsletter, and also helps clean the church.
Jeannette Gonzales
takes care of the Financial Support of Memory (from Africa) and Marisol (from Guatemala) with her husband Jose.
Jose Gonzales
is head of the Car Wash Ministry. He's on the advisory board he's on the GMC and he also does maintenance work around the church.
Roscoe Davis
is our worship leader and a Sunday school teacher.
Christine Lawton
works on Operation Rolling Thunder card ministry.

Pray for me.