Apps, Games, and Custom Apps

Contact Us

* Name: Company:

Address: City: State: Zipcode: * Email:

What do you want to contact us about?

Custom App Request
Customize Current App

The company tests our software extensively to prevent any issues from arising and works hard to stop any possible bugs from occurring. The manual is written clearly and consisely in anticipation of any wrong input or trouble with finding needed files. But despite our best efforts, bugs and problems have the potential to appear. With that in mind, please tell us about the issue you are having, what you have done to try to work around it. Please be specific! To simply say, "It doesn't work!" will not help us identify the problem. Please read the manual fully and completely before contacting support.

Please Identify the Problem:

Tell us in detail what happend:

Depending on your location, we would seek to meet with you in person. If the distance is too great, we would request a meeting on Skype. Please give us dates and times you are available so we may discuss the project with you.

Best Day to Meet

Click inside this field to choose a date for your appointment. Note: Please select a time when ALL decision-makers are available!

Date to Meet:

I would like to start...

Which app would you like us to customize for you?
Pictures and other artwork will need to be provided.

What ideas do you have to make our apps better?

We thank you for your purchase and we hope it will help you.
If an app is ever updated, only registered owners will receive the updated software.
Please indicate which app you purchased
When did you purchase it?

Check the checkbox and click submit to complete your request.
